أستغفر الله، أستغفر الله، أستغفر الله
Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah
Meaning: I seek the forgiveness of Allah, I seek the forgiveness of Allah, I seek the forgiveness of Allah.
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد
وهو على كل شيء قدير
La ilaaha il'lalaah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamd wa who-wa ala kul'lee shai'in qadeer
Meaning: There is nothing worthy of being worshipped except Allah alone, who has no partners. To Him belongs the dominion and all praises and he is capable of all things.
أعيذ بكلمات الله التامات من كل شيطان وهامة ومن كل عين لامة
A'eedthu bi kalimaatil'laahit-taam'maat min kulli shaytaanin wa haa'ma'tin wa min kulli 'ainin laa'ma
Meaning: I seek refuge for both of you in the perfect words of Allah from every devil and every poisonous thing and from the evil eye which influences.
سبحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبحمدِه سُبحان اللَّهِ العظيم
Subhanallah wa bi hamdihi, Subhanallah al-Adtheem
Meaning: Far removed is Allah from every imperfection and I begin with His praise. Far removed is Allah from every imperfection and He is the Greatest.
سبحان اللهِ وبحمده عَدَدَ خَلْقِه، ورِضا نَفْسِه، وزنةَ عرْشِه، ومِدادَ كلماته
Subhanallah wa be'ham'de'he a'da'da khalqe'he wa re'daa naf'se'he wa ze'nata arshe'he wa me'daada ka'le'maatih
Meaning: I repeat the declaration that Allah is far removed from every imperfection, a number of times equal to the number of His creation, and until He is pleased, and equal to the weight of his Throne and equal to the number of His words.
اللهم إني أسألك بأني أشهد أنك أنت الله لا إلهَ إلا أنت الأحد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفؤا أحد
Al'laahum'ma in'nee as'a'lo-ka be'an'nee ash-ha'do an'naka an'tal'laah laa ilaahah il'laa anta al-Ahad as-Samad al-la'dhee lam ya'lid wa lam you'lad wa lam ya'kul'lawho ko'foo'one Ahad
Meaning: ‘O Allah I bear witness that You are Allah, Who has no partner. The One, the One upon whom creation depends, the One who begets not, nor is He begotten; and the One beyond any comparison.
اللهم إني أسألك الهدى والتقى والعفاف والغنى
Al’laahum’ma in’nee as’a-loo’ka al-ho’daa wattuqaa wal-afaafa wal-ghe’naa
Meaning: O Allah, I ask You to grant me guidance, piety, chastity and independence from need.
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من زوال نعمتك وتحول عافيتك وفجاءة نقمتك وجميع سخطك
Al’laahum’ma in’nee a’oodthu be’ka min zawaal ni’ma-te’ka wa ta’ho’wo-le aa’fee’ya-te’ka wa fu’jaa’ate’ka niq’ma’te’ka wa ja’mee sa’kha’te’ka
Meaning: O Allah I seek refuge in you from the withholding of your blessings, the decline of the good health you have given, the suddenness of your vengeance and from all that which displeases You.
اللهمَّ إِني أَعوذ بكَ من العجز والْكسل وَالجبن والْهرَمِ وأعوذ بك من عذاب القبر وأعوذ بك من فتنة المحيا والممات
Al’laahum’ma in’nee a’oodthu be’ka min nal aj’zee wal-kasal wal jub’nee wal haram, wa a’oodthu be’ka min a’dthaabil qabar, wa a’oodthu be’ka min fitnatil mahya wal mamaat
Meaning: O Allah I seek refuge in You from helplessness (to do good), laziness, cowardice and senility; and I seekYour Protection against the torment of the grave and the trials of life and death.
بسم الله (3) أعوذ باللَّه وَقدرته من شرّ ما أجد وأحاذر (7)
Bismillah three times, and then say seven times: A’oodtho bil’laah wa qudra’te’he min shar’ree maa a’je-do wa o’haadhir
Meaning: I begin with the name of Allah. I seek refuge in Allah and His Power from this evil that I find and that I fear.
بسم الله أرقيك من كل شيء يؤذيك من شر كل نفس أو عين حاسد الله يشفيك بسم الله أرقيك
Bismil’laah arqeek min kol’lee shai’in yo’dheek min shar’ree kol’lee nafsin o ai’nin haasidin Allah yash’feek bismillahi arqeek
Meaning: I begin with the name of Allah and ask Allah to cure you from everything which harms you, and from all evils and from the evil of the envious eye. O Allah cure him, I begin with the name of Allah and ask Him to cure you.
اذهب البأس رب الناس اشف وأنت الشافي لا شفاء إلا شفاؤك شفاءً لا يغادر سقماً
Adth'hib al-Ba's rab'bin-naas ish'fee antash'shaafee laa she'faa'a il'laa she'faa'ok she'faa'an laa you'ghaa-de-ro sa'qa'maa
Meaning: O Allah relieve him from his ailment, Rubb of the People, cure him for indeed You are the One Who cures, there is no true cure except Your cure, a cure that leaves (no trace of) illness behind.
اللهم رحمتك أرجو فلا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين وأصلح لي شأني كله لا إله إلا أنت
Alla’hum’ma rahmataka arjoo fala takil’nee ilaa nafsee tarfata ain wa aslih lee sha’nee kol’lah laa ilaahah il’la anta.
Meaning: O Allah I seek Your mercy, and do not abandon me to myself even for a moment. And better my situation for me. There is nothing worthy of being worshipped except You alone.
لا إله إلا الله العظيم الحليم، لا إله إلا الله رب العرش الكريم، لا إله إلا الله رب السماوات والأرض، ورب العرش العظيم
Laa ilaa'hah il'lal'laah al-adtheem al-haleem laa ilaahah il'lal'laah rab'bil arshil adheem. Laa ilaahah il'lal'laah rab'bis samaawaa'tee wa rab'bil ardi wa rab’bil arshil kareem
Meaning: There is nothing worthy of being worshipped except Allah; the Grand, the Serene. There is nothing worthy of being worshipped except Allah the Rubb of the Grand Throne. There is nothing worthy of being worshipped except Allah, the Rubb of the Heavens, the Rubb of the Earth, and the Rubb of the Generous Throne.
الحمدلله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات
Alhamdulilah al’ladthee be’ni’ma-te’he to’tim’mos-saa’le’haat
Meaning: Praise is to Allah by Whose Grace good deeds are completed.
بسم الله اللهم جنبنا الشيطان وجنب الشيطان ما رزقتنا
Bismillah, Al’laahum’ma jan’nib’na ash-shaytaan wa jan’nib ash-shaytaan maa razaqtana
Meaning: I begin with the name of Allah. O Allah safeguard and protect us from Satan and safeguard and protect whatever you grant us from Satan