The Miracles of some Prophets and Messengers

Allah (most gracious and powerful) gave his prophets numerous miracles and signs that were recorded in the stories of prophets and some texts in the Holy Quran and Sunnah books, as follows: 

Miracles of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)

In this section you will learn more about some of the miracles of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), asmentioned in the book ‘Al-Bidayah wanNihdyah’ by Imam Hafiz Ibn Kathir:

The Miracle of Prophet Noah (AS)

Allah (most gracious and powerful) supported his prophet Noah (AS) with the miracle of the Ark. The prophet spent decades building an Ark in desert; His people mocked him and accused him of going mad until Allah (most gracious and powerful) commanded rain to fall from sky and springs to erupt from earth. This went on until all land was flooded and all creatures were perished, except those who got on the Ark, the hidden miracle.

The Miracle of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

Allah (most gracious and powerful) supported his prophet Ibrahim (AS) with many miracles, including:

The Miracle of Prophet Saleh (AS) 

The people of Prophet Saleh were known for their exceptional skills in carving homes in stones and decorating them with artistic inscriptions and engravings. So, they asked their prophet to carve a she-camel in stone and bring it to life in order to believe in his message. Allah (most gracious and powerful) granted them their wish and a she-camel came out of the rocks alive, providing a miracle of the same nature of the craft they were experts at.

The Miracles of Prophet Moses (AS)

Allah (most gracious and powerful) supported His Prophet Moses with clear miracles, as Allah noted in the Holy Quran: (And indeed We gave to Musa (Moses) nine clear signs), all of them were magic-related to be of the same nature of what His people were most notorious for, such as:

Angel of Wombs

The evidence to his presence is the saying of the Prophet (PBUH): “Allah has assigned an angel to wombs, the angel says: I ask you Allah, a sperm, I ask you Allah, a seed, I ask you Allah, the seed grows. If he wanted to go through with the creation, he says: Male or female, happy or unhappy, all livelihood and time of death is written while the fetus is still inside his mother’s womb”.

The Miracle of David (AS)

Allah (most gracious and powerful) gave David (AS) authority over mountains and birds to glorify the name of Allah with Him, as mentioned in the verse: (it was Our power that made the hills and the birds celebrate Our praises, with David: it was We Who did (all these things).

The Miracles of Suleiman (AS)

Allah (most gracious and powerful) gave His Prohet Suleiman (AS) many miracles, following the prophet’s request to receive a gift that shall not be bestowed upon anyone else. So, Allah (most gracious and powerful) granted him a nation with inimitable civilisation that no other nation, before or after, could receive and that would live as long as Suleiman (AS) lived. Some of these miracles include:

The Miracles of Prophet Isa (Jesus)

Allah (most gracious and powerful) supported his prophet Isa (AS) with many miracles, including: