Bilqis, Queen of Saba in the Holy Quran

Bilqis, Queen of Saba, is a model of a wise and commanding woman who was praised in the Holy Quran. In her story with Prophet Sulaiman )(PBUH), she represents the features of wise leadership, acumen and faith when she realised and followed the right path.

Bilqis’s story in the Holy Quran

The story of Bilqis was illustrated in Surah An-Naml, where the Quran elaborated on her distinction as a powerful and wise Queen.

Lessons learned from Bilqis’s story

She is the only woman named in the Quran, and her name is explicitly mentioned, not implied as with other believing women.

Sunni sources about the story

  • The Holy Quran:
    Surah An-Naml (verses 20-44).
  • Books of Tafsirs:
    Tafsir ibn Kathir: explains the details of the story and provides accounts of the throne of Bilqis and her people.
    Tafsir al-Tabari: discusses the meanings of verses and adds a historical context to the civilisation of Saba.
    Tafsir al-Qurtubi: focuses on the rhetorical and intellectual aspects of the story.
  • Biographical and Islamic history books:
    Such as ‘Al-Bidaya wa l-Nihaya’ by ibn Kathir; which mentions the cultural details of the Kingdom of Saba.