Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has urged customers to rationalise the use of electricity and water, especially during the Holy Month of Ramadan. This is in line with the teachings of Islam, which prohibit wastefulness in all its forms, and the values of the Holy Month that call for moderation and avoiding waste. The move is part of DEWA’s strategy to consolidate the foundations of sustainability and spread environmental awareness. DEWA has provided tips that help customers reduce their consumption of electricity and water through simple steps. Following are some tips that can be implemented at home:
Home Appliances
- Set the fridge temperature to 4°C. or to the manufacturer's recommendation to avoid excessive cooling and wasting energy.
- Keep your freezer temperature at - 18 degree Celsius.
- Check your refrigerator/freezer door gasket periodically for signs of deterioration.
- Allow hot food to cool down before placing in your refrigerator (not more than 30 minutes)
- Keep your fridge away from the oven, dishwasher, dryer and direct sunlight to avoid overworking.
- Use a microwave instead of your main oven whenever possible.
- Use flat-bottom pans for best contact with the heat, with tight-fitting lids to keep the steam in the container. Pressure cookers use less energy than ordinary pots and pans.
Dishwashers and Washing Machines
- Only run your dishwasher and washing machines when it is full to make the best use of water, energy and detergent.
- When purchasing a new washing machine, consider purchasing one with a high ESMA (ESMA (Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology) efficiency rating (5 or 4 stars). Also, make sure that it suits your family needs, and that it enables you to choose the appropriate washing cycle, and control the temperature and time.
- Dryers consume a lot of electricity. Take advantage of the sunshine and hang your clothes to dry.
- Turn off unnecessary lights and use natural lighting as much as you can in places which are not exposed directly to sunlight during summer.
- Use LED lighting and clean them regularly.
- Use timers or motion-detectors to control the light's operation, wherever applicable.
- Install dimmers to control the brightness of lights and reduce energy consumption.