mentioned in quran

Cities and Countries Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Mecca: “He is the One Who held back their hands from you and your hands from them in the valley of ˹Ḥudaibiyah, near˺ Mecca, after giving you the upper hand over ˹a group of˺ them.1 And Allah is All-Seeing of what you do. (24)” (Al-Fath: 24)
2. Madinah: “It was not [proper] for the people of Madīnah and those surrounding them of the bedouins that they remain behind after [the departure of] the Messenger of Allāh” (At-Tawbah: 120)
3. Babylon: “They taught magic to the people, along with what had been revealed to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût, in Babylon.” (Al-Baqarah: 102)
4. Egypt: “Enter Egypt, Allah willing, in security.” (Yusuf: 99)
5. The Holy Land: “O my people! Enter the Holy Land which Allah has destined for you ˹to enter˺. And do not turn back or else you will become losers.” (Al-Ma’idah: 21)
The Holy Land here means Jerusalem in Palestine.
6. Al Ahqaf: “And remember the brother of ’Ȃd, when he warned his people, who inhabited the sand-hills1—there were certainly warners before and after him—˹saying,˺ “Worship none but Allah. I truly fear for you the torment of a tremendous day.” (Al-Ahqaf: 21)
(Al Ahqaf were mountains in Yemen, between Oman and Hadhramaut that were inhabited by the Ȃd tribe, the people of Hud (PBuH)).


Angels Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Gabriel: “Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel should know that he revealed this ˹Quran˺ to your heart by Allah’s Will, confirming what came before it—a guide and good news for the believers.” (Al-Baqarah: 97)
2. Angel of Death: “Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Your soul will be taken by the Angel of Death, who is in charge of you. Then to your Lord you will ˹all˺ be returned.” (As-Sajdah: 11)
3. Mâlik (administrator of hell fire): “They will cry, “O Mâlik!1 Let your Lord finish us off.” He will answer, “You are definitely here to stay.” (Az-Zukhruf: 77)
4. Michael: “Whoever is an enemy of Allah, His angels, His messengers, Gabriel, and Michael, then ˹let them know that˺ Allah is certainly the enemy of the disbelievers.” (Al-Baqarah: 98)
5. Hârût and Mârût: “They taught magic to the people, along with what had been revealed to the two angels, Hârût and Mârût, in Babylon.” (Al-Baqarah: 102)


Drinks Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Water: “And We created from water every living thing” (Al-Anbya: 30)
2. Milk: “We give you to drink of what is in their bellies, from between digested food and blood: pure milk” (An-Nahl: 66)
3. Honey: “and rivers of pure honey” (Muhammad: 15)
4. Wine: “O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions are all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So shun them so you may be successful.” (Al-Ma’idah: 90)
5. Ginger: “And they will be given a drink ˹of pure wine˺ flavoured with ginger” (Al-Insan: 17)


Fruits Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Figs: “By the fig and the olive ˹of Jerusalem˺, and Mount Sinai” (Al-Tin: 1-2)
2. Pomegranate: “olives, and pomegranates, similar ˹in shape˺ but dissimilar ˹in taste˺.” (Al-An’am: 99)
3. Grapes: “causing grain to grow in it, as well as grapes and greens” (‘Abasa: 27-28)
4. Dates: “And shake the trunk of this palm tree towards you, it will drop fresh, ripe dates upon you.” (Maryam: 25)
5. Banana: It was mentioned by another name “clusters of bananas” (Al-Waqi’ah: 29)


Trees Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Palm: “and towering palm trees ˹loaded˺ with clustered fruit” (Qaf: 10)
2. Olive: “and palm trees, crops of different flavours, olives, and pomegranates—similar ˹in shape˺, but dissimilar ˹in taste˺.” (Al-An’am: 141)
3. Squash: “and caused a squash plant to grow over him.” (As-Saffat: 146)
4. Zaqqûm: “Surely ˹the fruit of˺ the tree of Zaqqûm will be the food of the evildoer.” (Ad-Dukhan: 43-44)
This is a tree in hell, and it is the food of people in hell.


Battles Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Badr: “Indeed, Allah made you victorious at Badr when you were ˹vastly˺ outnumbered. So be mindful of Allah, perhaps you will be grateful.” (Ali ‘Imran: 123)
2. Hunain: “Indeed Allah has given you ˹believers˺ victory on many battlefields, even at the Battle of Ḥunain” (At-Tawbah: 25)


Senses Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. hearing: “Indeed, all will be called to account for ˹their˺ hearing, sight, and intellect.” (Al-Isra: 36)
2. Sight: “So look again: do you see any flaws?” (Al-Mulk: 3)
3. Touch: “Had We sent down to you ˹O Prophet˺ a revelation in writing and they were to touch it with their own hands, the disbelievers would still have said, “This is nothing but pure magic!” (Al-An’am: 7)
4. Taste: “There they will not taste any coolness or drink” (An-Naba: 24)


Idols Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Lât and ’Uzza: “Now, have you considered ˹the idols of˺ Lât and ’Uzza” (An-Najm: 19)
2. Manât: “and the third one, Manât, as well?” (An-Najm: 20)
3. Wadd, Suwâ’, Yaghûth, Ya’ûq, and Nasr: “urging ˹their followers˺, ‘Do not abandon your idols—especially Wadd, Suwâ’, Yaghûth, Ya’ûq, and Nasr.’” (Nuh: 23)


Stars Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. The Sun: “He is the One Who made the sun a radiant source and the moon a reflected light” (Yunus: 5)
2. Sirius: “And He alone is the Lord of Sirius.” (An-Najm: 49)
3. Nightly Star: “By the heaven and the nightly star! And what will make you realize what the nightly star is? ˹It is˺ the star of piercing brightness.” (At-Tariq: 1-3)


Birds Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Hoopoe: “˹One day˺ he inspected the birds, and wondered, “Why is it that I cannot see the hoopoe? Or could he be absent?” (An-Naml:20)
2. Crow: “Then Allah sent a crow digging ˹a grave˺ in the ground ˹for a dead crow˺, in order to show him how to bury the corpse of his brother.” (Al-Ma’idah: 31)
3. Quail: “and sent down to you manna and quails” (Taha: 80)


Metals Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Iron: “And We sent down iron with its great might, benefits for humanity” (Al-Hadid: 25)
2. Copper: “Flames of fire and ˹molten˺ copper will be sent against you, and you will not be able to defend one another.” (Ar-Rahman: 35)
3. Gold: “There they will be adorned with bracelets of gold” (Al-Kahf: 31)
4. Silver: “and adorned with bracelets of silver” (Al-Insan: 21)


Mountains Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Safa and Marwah: “Indeed, ˹the hills of˺ Ṣafa and Marwah1 are among the symbols of Allah. So whoever performs the pilgrimage or minor pilgrimage, let them walk between ˹the two hills˺.” (Al-Baqarah: 158)
2. ’Arafât: “When you return from ’Arafât, praise Allah” (Al-Baqarah: 198)
3.Ṭûr: “We called him from the right side of Mount Ṭûr, and drew him near, speaking ˹with him˺ directly.” (Maryam: 52)
4. Judi: “The Ark rested on Mount Judi, and it was said, “Away with the wrongdoing people!”” (Hud: 44)


Months Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Ramaḍân: “Ramaḍân is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity” (Al-Baqarah: 185)
2. Sacred Months: “But once the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists ˹who violated their treaties˺ wherever you find them,1 capture them, besiege them, and lie in wait for them on every way. But if they repent, perform prayers, and pay alms-tax, then set them free. Indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
The Sacred Months are: Muharram, Rajab, Dhu al-Qadah, and Dhu al-Hajjah.


Days Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Friday: “O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday, then proceed ˹diligently˺ to the remembrance of Allah and leave off ˹your˺ business.” (Al-Jumu’ah: 9)
2. Saturday: ““Do not break the Sabbath,” and took from them a firm covenant.” (An-Nisa: 154)


Colours Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. White:  “˹You may˺ eat and drink until you see the light of dawn breaking the darkness of night, then complete the fast until nightfall.” (Al-Baqarah: 187)
2. Red: “And in the mountains are streaks of varying shades of white, red, and raven black” (Fatir: 27)
3. Yellow: “He replied, “Allah says, ‘It should be a bright yellow cow—pleasant to see.’” (Al-Bqarah: 69)
4. Green: “˹He is the One˺ Who gives you fire from green trees, and—behold!—you kindle ˹fire˺ from them.” (Ya-Sin: 80)
5. Blue: “˹Beware of˺ the Day the Trumpet will be blown,1 and We will gather the wicked on that Day blue-faced ˹from horror and thirst˺.” (Taha: 102)
6. Black: “On that Day some faces will be bright while others gloomy. To the gloomy-faced it will be said, “Did you disbelieve after having believed? So taste the punishment for your disbelief.” (Ali ‘Imran: 106)


Money Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Dinar: “There are some among the People of the Book who, if entrusted with a stack of gold, will readily return it. Yet there are others who, if entrusted with a single coin, will not repay it” (Ali ‘Imran: 75)
2. Dirham: “They ˹later˺ sold him for a cheap price, just a few silver coins—only wanting to get rid of him.” (Yusuf: 20)


Animals Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Lion: “as if they were spooked zebras fleeing from a lion?” (Al-Muddaththir: 50-51)
2. Cow: “And ˹remember˺ when Moses said to his people, “Allah commands you to sacrifice a cow.”” (Al-Baqarah: 67)
3. Donkey: “The example of those who were entrusted with ˹observing˺ the Torah but failed to do so, is that of a donkey carrying books.” (Al-Jumu’ah: 5)
4. Calf: “Then it was not long before he brought ˹them˺ a ˹fat,˺ roasted calf.” (Hud: 69)
5. Dog: “His example is that of a dog: if you chase it away, it pants, and if you leave it, it ˹still˺ pants.” (Al-A’raf: 176)
3. Wolf: He responded, “It would truly sadden me if you took him away with you, and I fear that a wolf may devour him while you are negligent of him.” (Yusuf: 13)
7. Swine: “He has only forbidden you ˹to eat˺ carrion, blood, swine,1 and what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah. But if someone is compelled by necessity—neither driven by desire nor exceeding immediate need—they will not be sinful. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Al-Baqarah: 173)
8. Horse: “Prepare against them what you ˹believers˺ can of ˹military˺ power and cavalry” (Al-Anfal: 60)
9. Mule: “˹He also created˺ horses, mules, and donkeys for your transportation and adornment. And He creates what you do not know.” (An-Nahl: 8)
10. Ape: “You are already aware of those of you who broke the Sabbath. We said to them, “Be disgraced apes!” (Al-Baqarah: 65)
11. Elephant: “Have you not seen ˹O Prophet˺ how your Lord dealt with the Army of the Elephant?” (Al-Fil: 1)
12. Frogs: “So We plagued them with floods, locusts, lice, frogs, and blood—all as clear signs, but they persisted in arrogance and were a wicked people.” (Al-A’raf: 133)
13. Goats, Lambs, and Sheep: “eight mates – of the sheep, two and of the goats, two.” (Al-An’am: 143)
14. Whale: “Then the whale engulfed him while he was blameworthy.” (As-Saffat: 142)
Whales are mammals and not fish. They give birth and nurse their calves.


Insects Mentioned in the Holy Quran

1. Mosquitoes: “Surely Allah does not shy away from using the parable of a mosquito or what is even smaller.” (Al-Baqarah: 26)
2. Flies: “those ˹idols˺ you invoke besides Allah can never create ˹so much as˺ a fly” (Al-Hajj: 73)
3. Locust: “they will come forth from the graves as if they were swarming locusts” (Al-Qamar: 7)
4. Ants: “an ant warned, “O ants! Go quickly into your homes so Solomon and his armies do not crush you, unknowingly.” (An-Naml: 18)
5. Bees: “And your Lord inspired the bees: “Make ˹your˺ homes in the mountains, the trees, and in what people construct” (An-Nahl: 68)
6. Spiders: “And the flimsiest of all shelters is certainly that of a spider, if only they knew.” (Al-’Ankabut: 41)
7. Lice: “So We plagued them with floods, locusts, lice, frogs, and blood—all as clear signs, but they persisted in arrogance and were a wicked people.” (Al-A’raf: 133)