Happened on this day during Ramadan 

The Holy Month of Ramadan is a month of victories for Islam. It is not a month of laziness and complacency, but of closeness to God through work and struggle against sin. This is why the most important events throughout history took place then, including:

17 Ramadan 

On 17 Ramadan, in the second year of migration (615 AD), the battle of Badr happened, which the Holy Qur'an called ‘the day of the Furqan.’ It is the first battle between Muslims and non-Muslims, in which the Muslims won despite their smaller number.

20 Ramadan

In the 18th year of migration (631 AD), the conquest of Mecca took place, on 20 Ramadan, and the Prophet returned to it victorious.

15 Ramadan 

The Saqr of Quraish established a strong Islamic state, the Umayyad state in Andalusia, after crossing the sea on 15 Ramadan 138 AH (20 February, 756 AD).

6 Ramadan 

The battle of Amoriyah which took place between the Abbasid Caliphate and the Byzantine Empire in Ramadan 223 AH (August 838 AD).