Did you know?

Did you know?

  • That carbon-negative activities are crucial in addressing the climate crisis. Initiatives like planting trees, utilizing carbon capture and storage technologies, and investing in renewable energy help reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, contributing to slowing down climate change
  • The demand for air conditioners is expected to increase by 244% by 2050. This is due to the raising intensity of heatwaves as a result of the climate crisis, putting pressure on energy demand.
  • That the carbon neutrality is the state where no greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere from the human activities. It represents a crucial goal in global efforts to mitigate climate change.
  • That the biodiversity serves as the frontline defense against climate change. It helps absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, safeguards natural ecosystems, and stabilizes the climate. Therefore, measures must be taken to preserve it, such as protecting forests, regulating overfishing, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • 77 Billion Tons pf phosphate rock has been discovered in 2018, by the Norwegian company Norge Mining. Which it could satisfy global demand for fertilisers and electric vehicles for the next 50 years.
  • 174 Gigatons of water most Himalayan glaciers lost them each year between 2003  and 2009 at a faster rate than the global average, portending climate disasters that could be beyond the region’s capabilities and affect nearly 2 billion people
  • There are several theories about future predictions regarding temperature rises. Since recording began, these rates have risen to a current level of 1.1 degrees Celsius. It's explained that future projections suggest that if the world adheres to emission reduction commitments, the rate of increase could be 1.8 degrees Celsius. However, if these commitments are not met, the rate could exceed 2.8 degrees Celsius.
  • The impacts of climate change vary from one region to another globally. For the Gulf region, in the case of global commitments not being implemented, it's expected that the temperature increase would range from 2 to 3 degrees Celsius, with humidity rising by 10%.
  • The world is striving to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius to mitigate the effects of climate change.