Some Notable past COP achievements

Sharm el-Sheikh، Egypt - 2022

COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh reached a landmark agreement to establish and operationalize a “loss and damage” fund for vulnerable countries affected by climate disasters

Lima، Peru - 2014

For the first time, all countries, not just the developed countries, at COP20 in Lima were invited to make commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions under the international agreement, referred to as Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).

Durban، South Africa - 2011

The first UN climate talks, COP1, took place in Berlin, where the signatories agreed to meet yearly to discuss climate change and reduce emissions by developed countries to keep global warming under control. The Berlin Mandate also led to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol at COP3 in Japan two years later.

Berlin، Germany - 1995

The first UN climate talks, COP1, took place in Berlin, where the signatories agreed to meet yearly to discuss climate change and reduce emissions by developed countries to keep global warming under control. The Berlin Mandate also led to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol at COP3 in Japan two years later.