In line with its ongoing support for Expo 2020 Dubai as its official sustainable partner, and in conjunction with International Volunteer Day, which is observed on 5 December each year, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) hosted workshops by the Expo 2020 Dubai Volunteers Programme team. The two-day event created awareness among DEWA staff about the Expo 2020 Dubai Volunteers Programme and registered staff wishing to participate in the preparations to host this major international event in Dubai.“In DEWA, we work to consolidate social responsibility and volunteering among staff and encourage them to dedicate part of their time for volunteering work. This will help them achieve their happiness and the happiness of society. As His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai once said, ‘The fastest way to happiness is by instilling happiness in the hearts of others.’ DEWA encourages its staff to take part in various national events. DEWA employees recorded 96,206 hours of volunteer work from 2013 till the first quarter of 2018 as part of DEWA’s Volunteering Programme. This contributed to increasing society happiness to 92% in 2017. We are pleased with our staff's turnout to volunteer for Expo 2020 Dubai to share their experiences and skills to welcome UAE guests from around the world and organise this international event, which will be held for the first time in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia in a way that reflects the image of Dubai and the UAE,” said HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA.Abeer Al Hosani, Head of Volunteers Programme, Expo 2020 Dubai, commended the turnout from DEWA staff. “In addition to DEWA’s prominent role as Expo’s official sustainable energy partner, it plays a distinguished role in enhancing volunteer work. We were pleased with the great turnout and the wonderful response from DEWA’s staff. We urge all national organisations to join us in our quest to organise an exceptional global expo,” she said.The workshops were attended by a large number of DEWA staff who were keen to be part of this unique international event and to present the UAE's values to the world. They emphasised their commitment to make Expo 2020 Dubai the best version in the exhibition’s history.